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Establishment of NSCN Makes Nursing History

Board Vice-Chair Jason Reeves, Board Chair, Charmaine McPherson
June 5, 2019

History was made in Nova Scotia’s nursing community on June 4th, with the proclamation of a new Nursing Act that has made way for the Nova Scotia College of Nursing (NSCN). NSCN is the new one nursing regulator that regulates the practice of all of the province’s approximately 15,000 licensed practical nurses, registered nurses and nurse practitioners.

NSCN is the largest nursing regulator in Atlantic Canada and the third regulator in the country to be responsible for protecting the public by oversight of all three nursing designations. The new organization merges the two longstanding regulators, the College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Nova Scotia and the College of Registered Nurses of Nova Scotia, with over 100 years of regulatory experience.

“We are so pleased to bring these two mature regulators together to make the Nova Scotia College of Nursing a reality in our province,” says Sue Smith, NSCN CEO and Registrar. “This was really a matter of wanting to enhance the work we do on behalf of Nova Scotians by having one strong nursing presence and voice. By coming together and collaborating, we strengthen our commitment to supporting nurses to deliver safe, competent, ethical and compassionate care to the public, which is why we exist.” 

The Nursing Act, which underpins NSCN, is groundbreaking legislation that allows for an innovative and nimble approach to nursing regulation. It enables nurses to work to their full scopes of practice, it facilitates “red tape” reduction, and it epitomizes the type of collaboration among health professionals that is necessary for the future of health care in Nova Scotia.

“This new legislation ensures the public interest is NSCN’s top priority and enables the organization to remain current, relevant and nimble as the needs of Nova Scotians evolve,” says Charmaine McPherson, NSCN Board Chair. “NSCN is committed to being accountable, transparent and consistent, and in keeping the public at the forefront of every decision. We believe that this legislation is good for Nova Scotians, nursing and health care in our province.”

The journey to create the Nova Scotia College of Nursing has been a collaborative effort with over 4,000 stakeholders providing feedback that helped to shape new nursing regulator.

"We are really proud that all of our stakeholders, including the public of Nova Scotia, have guided the creation of NSCN and we see more of that happening in the future," says Jason Reeves, NSCN Board Vice-Chair. "We believe that we will be at our best when we work collaboratively and that this leads to a more holistic approach that benefits the public."

About NSCN

We are the Nova Scotia College of Nursing (NSCN) and we are the regulatory body for the province’s licensed practical nurses, registered nurses and nurse practitioners. We are mandated by government through the Nursing Act to protect the public by overseeing the practice of all of the approximately 15,000 nurses who are licensed to practice nursing in Nova Scotia. Our work helps Nova Scotians place their full confidence in the nurses who care for them, their families and their communities.

Media Contact:
Jane Wilson, Communications Consultant | Ph: 902.377.5132

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