It gives me great pleasure to introduce Douglas Bungay as NSCN’s new Senior Director of Legislative Services & Deputy Registrar.
Hailing from Cape Breton, Doug began his 33-year nursing career first as a licensed practical nurse and then as a registered nurse. Having practiced as both an LPN and RN, Doug brings a valued perspective to both scopes of practice. Throughout his career, Doug has practiced as a front-line nurse, a practice leader, in administration and finally in nursing regulation and brings with him a keen understanding of the health system in Nova Scotia and Canada. Doug has held leadership positions with the College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Nova Scotia, the College of Registered Nurses of Nova Scotia and the Nova Scotia College of Nursing before assuming his most recent role as Senior Director of Legislative Services and Deputy Registrar effective Monday, July 15th, 2019.
As Senior Director of Legislative Services and Deputy Registrar, Doug will play a critical role in shaping and achieving the vision and goals of the newly created Nova Scotia College of Nursing. He will be principal leader of legislative operations and a key member of the NSCN executive leadership team where he will be responsible for overseeing Nursing Registration Services, Education Program Approval, Professional Conduct, Standards & Guidance and Customer Experience.
I am pleased to welcome Doug to his new role and we look forward to ongoing collaboration with our stakeholders as we work together to protect the public of Nova Scotia through effectively regulating nursing services.
Thank you,
Sue Smith, RN, BN, MAOL
Chief Executive Operator & Registrar