We serve a population with diverse needs and backgrounds. Nurses being able to deliver safe and culturally responsive nursing care is an essential part of NSCN’s mandate to protect the public.
As a health profession regulator, the Nova Scotia College of Nursing (NSCN) is committed to taking purposeful steps toward enhancing equity, diversity and inclusion within the profession. We have launched Building Culturally Responsive Care for Nova Scotians, a survey for nurses to help us learn more about the diversity of the profession and establish baseline data. Responses will also inform what guidance nurses may need to provide safe and more culturally responsive care to the public and to further our commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion.
Nurses received an email invitation to participate in the survey on August 2nd in our special renewal newsletter. Additionally, you will receive the link to the survey in an email once your 2023-2024 licence has been processed. Please note: for those on payroll deduction, your licence will not be processed until your employer has paid your licence renewal fee. The survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete. It will be an opportunity to share demographic information and perspectives on caring for patients and clients with differing social identities and backgrounds.
All responses will be anonymous. Identifying information and responses cannot be tracked back to individuals. Whether a nurse participates or not will have no impact on their registration and licensure. Although the survey is voluntary, participation is highly encouraged.
An FAQ webpage is available for more information. Nurses can also reach out to NSCN at diversity.inclusion@nscn.ca with any further questions. You can also watch a video from our CEO & Registrar as she speaks about why the survey is important to the nursing profession in our province.
If you are having trouble accessing the survey link, please contact diversity.inclusion@nscn.ca and we can provide it.