Criminal Record Check

A criminal record check (CRC) is required as part of the NSCN registration process. The CRC informs our assessment to determine if applicants possess the necessary character to practice safely and ethically in Nova Scotia.

Some employers require vulnerable sector check (VSC) as part of their employment contract. The VCS includes a CRC, and you may be able to use the VSC for both employment and licensure.

NSCN does not require local police information to be part of the CRC

Note: Nurses already licensed with NSCN are not required to submit an additional CRC if they qualify for licensure with NSCN in another designation.

  • Canadian Applicants* not currently licensed to practice nursing in another Canadian jurisdiction
  • Registrants reactivating their licence after a two-year lapse (who are not currently licensed in another Canadian province or territory) must submit a recent (less than six months) criminal record check for the current province, state, or country where they are living.
  • Applicants must provide a CRC from the place where they are currently living.
  • Applicants who have not lived in their current province, state or country for the last two years must submit a CRC from the last province, state or country where they resided.
    • If nursing is regulated at the state level (e.g., USA, India) or provincial level, the CRC must be completed for that state or province.
    • If nursing is regulated at the country level (e.g., the Philippines), the CRC must be issued for the entire country. 
    • Exception: A Canadian CRC may not be required if an applicant moved to Canada for the first time within six months of their application being reviewed and approved.
  • The CRC must either come to NSCN:
    • electronically directly from the agency performing it; or
    • by mail if it is an original copy only (photocopies are not accepted)
    • the original delivered in-person to the NSCN office.
  • We do not accept electronic CRCs sent from applicants, unless we can verify the results online from an official government website.
  • All CRCs must be provided in English. Translations from a certified translator are also accepted. You are responsible for the cost of all translations

*Nurses registered and licensed in Canada seeking licensure in Nova Scotia under the Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA) are not required to submit a CRC to NSCN unless there is evidence (i.e., a positive judicial question on the application, criminal record) to request one.

Note: Nurses applying for RN assessment, who hold an LPN licence with NSCN, are not required to provide any criminal record checks for their RN application.

Questions and Answers

We encourage you to obtain a Canadian CRC through one of our approved online companies, CSI and MyBackCheck, and to use CSI for international CRCs. These companies can provide your results directly to us electronically. 

You may also obtain the CRC through your local police or RCMP, however, you will be required to submit the original hard copy of the CRC to the NSCN via mail or drop off to: 300 – 120 Western Parkway, Bedford, Nova Scotia, B4B 0V2.


Six months from the date it is issued.

When you mail the original hard copy of a CRC to NSCN and want the document back, you must include a message with the CRC asking us to mail it back to you. Otherwise, the document will be scanned, added to your Registrant Portal, and confidentially destroyed.

Your CRCs must include your current legal name and date of birth.

If you have a positive criminal record check and it is determined that a risk to the public exists or that your ability to practise may be compromised, your application will be placed on hold while we gather more information and decide on a course of action. For example, your registration and licensure may be denied or our Professional Conduct team may be consulted.

The vulnerable sector check is an enhanced criminal record check. It includes all of the information that would be reported in the criminal record check along with any information related to pardoned sexual offenses. If your employer requires you to obtain a VSC, we will accept this document instead of a CRC. Click here for more information about vulnerable sector checks

If you as an applicant or registrant are at any time charged with, have pleaded guilty to, are convicted of, or are found to be guilty of any offence in or out of Canada that is inconsistent with proper professional behavior, you must notify NSCN immediately.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at We strive to respond to you as soon as possible. However, due to the high volumes of emails and complexity of inquiries, our response time may vary.  

Please be advised that registration requirements and fees are subject to change. All registration and licensure fees are non-refundable. Click here to learn more about fees and payment options